Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The making of nuclear weapons are occuring in top secret nuclear power plants scattered thoughout North Korea and in some underground nuclear facilities.Kim Jong, the current ruler of North Korea is in charge of running the nuclear weapons program which launches missiles and testes nuclear bombs.


The Nuclear weapons testing dosent only affect North Koreas environment but it can also put the neighboring countries like south korea, China, and Japan in danger of random missile launching. North Korea shares a border with South Korea on the Korean peninsula. It has harsh, cold winters, mountainous and rugged terrain, with little rainfall.


In 1993 North Korea backed out of the Non-Prolimination treaty which freezes all nuclear developement or making of nuclear weapons in a nation. They have been making bigger and more powerful bombs as well as creationg different types of fuel to power long range nuclear rockets made for reaching over seas countries.
time line of bombings


The making of nukes in North Korea has put a fear on the rest of the world and has cuase many countrys to take action. some countries have made deffencise and started nucke protection programs. They have also started veiwing N.Korea's launch sites by satiles as a percaution.


The furture is most countries are preparing for a nuclear attack and makeing plans for it if something dose happen. Some countries have taken political protections by joining up with other countries and makeing joint agreements on if one of there countries is hit both will take action against North Korea. But then again preparing for a nuclear attack isnt easy at all.
north koreas plans for future nuclear things

Big Picture

The testing of nucleqar weapons affects the environment by destroying the location it was tested at as well as leaving radiation scares on the earths surface leading to pollution of the earths soil. It also results in pollution to the air and water of North Korea. The issue of creating nuclear weapons relates to technology and science becuase the developement of nuclear bombs and missilies requires scientific knowledge as well as hi-tech machinary.